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“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.” Isaiah 43:19

To think, over a year ago we were prepping for our very first Women’s Conference. The fear, the trepidation, the worries – all paled in comparison to the excitement and joy we had of walking the path God laid out for us. The prayer that was laid out, the brothers and sisters who stood by our sides and held up our hands when we became too weary – all brought us closer to the freedom we would experience in this ministry.

I never would have pictured myself in a place of leadership.

I like being in the shadows. I like lifting up and encouraging others. When it comes to making decisions, I normally defer to someone else making them. So when the Lord placed me on the leadership for Worthy Movement, I honestly did not know what I was getting into.

When we had our first conference, God showed up. He led the entire event and He tore the veil of bondage from the women who attended and even from the women who spoke. There was not one person who could take credit for what God did because GOD DID IT. We realized the need for God’s children to come to a full understanding of WHO THEY ARE and WHO HE IS. And when we saw that take place, we were so humbled that God would ask of us to be a part of it.

I remember starting the day in a time of prayer with the other ladies and just being SO overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed thinking – dang this is happening RIGHT NOW! All the prayers, all the time and all the planning is coming to fruition in THIS MOMENT! I was overwhelmed seeing the unity and the dedication of the others who helped and served. I was overwhelmed by the women who attended and seeing their faces when they finally shed the old past identities and put on the new. I was overwhelmed that God allowed me to be a part of this movement and that He called me into this place of leadership.

“Behold, I am doing a new thing…”

God is doing a NEW thing. Are we ready to see NEWNESS take place within us? Are we willing to step outside our comfort zones and allow the Lord to do a work in and through us? Are we able to shed free the old identity and put on the new? God’s work will take place no matter if we partake in it, but are we willing to miss out on the blessing of being a part of God’s movement for the sake of comfort? To miss out on the freedom experienced through breakthrough?

“…Now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”

This movement is not over. It has only begun. God is stirring within the hearts of His children. He’s moving them towards grace, towards holiness, towards forgiveness. It’s time for God’s Bride to wake up. To rise up. Because the Lord is doing a new thing and we can’t miss out by being complacent, apathetic or comfortable.

“…I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

Not going to lie – it’s been hard. It’s been discouraging. It’s been moments of walking in the wilderness. It’s made me step outside of my comfort zone and be completely out in the open. But it has been so rewarding. To see the women who have been freed, to see the conversations and stories shared that BECAUSE GOD IS WORTHY, we have WORTH. To continue unveiling God’s promises and drawing ever nearer into His presence.

Behold He is making something new, will you be ready to join when He calls?

~ Kissy Black

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