I smiled, I was in shock, I felt relieved, and then it hit me.
Worthy Movement is a 501(c)3 Non Profit.
Then the tears came and the realization started to sink in.
What started with two friends who reconnected at a women’s event in 2016, soon turned to many conversations over coffee in 2017 about our hopes, dreams and a common desire to see the Bride of Christ know their true worth and identity in Jesus.
At the time these conversations were happening, I (Sarah) was struggling with depression. I was also involved in ministry in the church, and there were a lot of things in my life that seemed outside of my control.
There would be times Kissy and I would meet for coffee and we’d be brainstorming these ideas and see how God would bring these ideas together.
And there were times when we would have these conversations and I would come so depressed. I didn’t even hide it. And in my shame and defeat, Kissy was there, ready to listen.
It was those times that I was shown grace and mercy like Christ.
It was in the darkness that the Light would come.
I worked in the church, I was involved in ministry, I “had it all together”, but I was hiding the reality that I was falling apart.
I am reminded of this section in Hebrews 10 of the importance of community and confessing our hardships and sins to each other:
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:23-25
I do not minimize the reality of depression, but for me it was spiritual. I put all my hope and identity in my circumstances, in my job, in my relationship status, and things were not going my way. I believed the lie that no one understood. Honestly, only Jesus could really understand, but I was lost in my own mindsets.
Kissy would listen, but she spoke truth in love. God used His daughter to remind me of how loved I am by Him.
He started to unravel who He had created me to be all along.
I am a child of God.
I am now seen worthy in His presence.
He’s not surprised or disappointed at my failures.
All He wants is for me to go back to Him.
To stop believing the lies and be who He has created me to be.
After a year, these conversations with Kissy soon turned to more conversations of this space needed within the church.
A space to talk about the hard topics and see people be set free by the truth and love of Jesus. Not to condone or be passive about sin, but create the space to be honest and real and how to speak truth and love in those moments.
Culture is shouting and finding “solutions” to figure out the “problems.” Culture doesn’t seem to have a problem handling the hard topics.
And our hope was - as the church is filled with imperfect people- we could do something to come alongside the Bride and help.
We prayed.
And prayed.
And God said “go.”
We’re not perfect. The church isn’t perfect. That is why we have JESUS. He is perfect.
He is everything we need. And sometimes we need to be pulled out of the muck to be reminded of that.
Four conferences from 2018-2020, and now this...A Non Profit. WORTHY MOVEMENT would not be where it is without my crew: Kissy, Amanda, and Stefanie.
These three amazing women make what Worthy Movement has become. Thank you Lord, thank you Lord. Thank you for these friends, sisters, and team. They all have such a significant role with what God is doing.
Here’s to 2021.
All Glory & Honor is Yours, Lord.
Check out the recent video we posted!
~ Sarah Sendejas
