“Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58
I’ve been hearing this word a lot lately from famous Christians who have taken a step back from their faith and are analyzing all the areas they may not agree with.
It breaks my heart to think that they are led to believe they can take apart pieces of foundational truths and do away with what is too hard for them to believe.
Almost as if they have a menu of Christianity and can pick and choose what they want in their happy meal:
Let’s have “nice” Jesus - hold the turning-the-tables-in-anger moment. Add in some Bible scripture - but leave out the hell parts. How ‘bout some God in the Garden of Eden - but not the part where He kicks Adam and Eve out. Because “my” God wouldn’t do that. And to complete my Happy Faith Meal, throw in Eternal Life but remove the Eternal damnation part.
This is Burger King y’all…“Have it YOUR way.”
Don’t get me wrong, it’s good to ask questions. It’s good to know what we believe and why we believe it. But there’s a dangerous path we take when we skip the narrow road to try and make our own. (Matthew 7:13-14)
Where do you find yourself?
Are you standing in the line for Fast Food Faith or are you willing to give up convenience and cheap replacements for the real thing?
We need to be asking ourselves these two questions:
How do we see God?
What is our faith founded in?
Do we have a healthy view of who God is? If we don’t see God fully for who He is, then we are unable to see ourselves as who we really are.
Do we only see God as good when good happens to us? Are we easy to point the finger and turn our backs on Him when the going gets tough?
Is God as sovereign as He says is? Is He ALL-POWERFUL? Or does He fit into a neat little box you can place in your pocket, taking it out only when you need it?
Is God a part of your week - not only on Sundays? Is He active in your life?
Are we only willing to believe in the easy stuff? Disregarding all the hard things to swallow in our faith?
Is what we believe so watered-down that there’s no substance to it - only a fake substitute for the real thing?
Are we being set apart for Jesus? Or are we mixing Him with other things to create our very own custom made happy meal of faith?
Are we going the cheap route? Or is what we're doing for the Lord costing us? (You know when people put money down for something they show up, whereas - when it’s free - they don’t put as much effort in it?)
When we have a healthy view of WHO God is, there is no need for substitutes!
Because He is ALL THAT WE NEED!
We need to stand on the holy Word of God knowing that our sovereign Lord would see the state our world is in and still call His Word as holy.
Without hell, there would be no need for grace. There would be no need of a Savior.
It’s time to stand up for what you believe in. That you know that you know that you know who God is.
“Remember to stay alert and hold firmly to all that you believe. Be mighty and full of courage.” 1 Corinthians 16:13
Are you willing to stay the course and finish well?
“So because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.” Revelation 3:16
What’s your diet today? What’s giving you life? Fast food faith or foundational faith?
~ Kissy Black