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“She’s gone.”

These two words took my breath away and shattered my heart into a million pieces all at the same time. An unexplainable heaviness overwhelmed me and tears uncontrollably fell down my face. I knew my life would be different from that moment on, and it felt like the whole world came crashing down.

I don't understand grief and I don't think I ever will. Every time has been different for me though. And I am sure it is always different. But something I have realized is this:

Grieving doesn’t only happen to us by a death. It can happen to us at anytime. Whether it be a breakup, a divorce, losing a friendship, the loss of a home or even a job. A loss is a loss. And it hurts deep! Losing anything in this life is death. No matter how well we think we have prepared for it, we are truly never ready.

Grief can make everything seem irreparable and all we are left with are the last moments, the  “what ifs” and regrets of what should have been done differently.

They say it takes time for the heart to heal. And it seems like no one understands the pain and sorrow you are feeling, because it feels like you’re the only one walking in it.

But the truth is that the only healer to your broken heart is the one and only; Papa, God.

He grieves with you and for you. He knows everything you are feeling and is the only One who truly understands it all.  

It seems easier said than done, right? It sure doesn’t feel that way when you’re hurting. You’re often wondering “why” and “where is God?” Well, I am here to tell you this; I still grieve after the  loss of my Grandmother this Summer. I still grieve from my losses from previous years. And believe me, I have lost a lot in this life. What I lean on are the “promises.” And when I hurt deep, I press into these promises of our Almighty God.

Because, He does not lie. He can’t. These promises bring me comfort and keep my hope alive.

“I will convert their weeping into laughter, lavishing comfort, invading their grief with joy!" Jeremiah 31:10

“You’re blessed when you feel you have lost what is most dear to you…” Matthew 5:4

"My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

Press into Him. Holy Spirit’s loving embrace provides the ultimate comfort.

You are not alone.

-Stefanie Rodriguez

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