We see through the lives of Mary, Joseph, the Shepherds and the WiseMen how hope played a key part in their lives.
Mary didn't place her hope in having the perfect marriage or living the perfect life - she placed her hope in God knowing that her sacrifice was worth it all.
Joseph didn’t place his hope in his reputation. Instead, he trusted the Lord's promise that the child Mary was carrying was the Messiah they had waited for.
The Shepherds could have remained toiling in the fields in vacant hope; but their hearts were illuminated when they saw the hope of the world.
The wise men were driven by a hope to see a King. While they could have passed the opportunity to bring their gifts, they pursued the hope that was Jesus.
Our hope cannot be hinged on temporal, worldly things. It cannot be placed in a future destination or even a person. Because they all will fail us.
Our hope must be placed upon Christ the solid Rock who will never fail us. Christ who came to this world to bring us hope.
Christ who has promised the hope of ETERNAL LIFE.
The hope of His presence.
The hope of His healing.
The hope of His forgiveness.
The hope of His transformative power.
The hope of His grace and mercy.
The Hope of His coming again.
God did not leave us without hope.
Instead He sent hope in human form that we might see just how much He loves us. That He was willing to sacrifice His Son to die the worst death as an example of how far His love would reach.
Hope has never left us.
Hope is here.
Hope is ours.
~ Kissy Black