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Updated: Aug 12, 2023

God is, was, and will always be bigger than the devil and everything he is doing. We believe that to some extent. However, we tend to lack the faith (or belief) that it applies to us directly, individually.

We have more faith in the devil's destruction than we do in Gods protection.

“You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; And I will dwell in the house of the LORD Forever.” Psalms 23:5-6 NKJV

Read this chapter in the Passion Translation. It gives a clear perspective of Gods heart toward us in the midst of a fallen world.

God actually does work everything the enemy does together for the good of those surrendered to Him. (Romans 8:28)

We live here for now. What Christ did on the cross actually did something. Not just for our future in eternity but for our right now. This side of heaven!

Jesus tells us to pray “Father, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In heaven there is no sickness, no violence, no death and destruction. So did Jesus lie? Did He give us a false hope to pray heaven come on earth? Obviously not.

Yet we allow what we see (or don’t see) around us to determine our faith in God. We watch the news or scroll through Facebook wondering why God isn’t doing anything; awaiting death as if death itself, was our savior.

Jesus already SAVED us. He didn’t tell us, “Ok the work is done. Now just wait for death.” Actually what he said in John 16 is that it’s better that He goes because He is sending us a Helper. Spoiler alert: that’s Holy Spirit and we can’t do anything without Him.

Christ set us free from the sin, death and destruction that prevented us from intimacy with the Father.

Jesus tells us to pick up our cross and follow Him. This new life in Christ can only actually be lived out with the Helper. The Holy Spirit, through us, brings kingdom on earth.

Are we fully surrendered? Or are we more like the rich young ruler still holding on to the worldly joys we don’t want to release in order to be all in for Jesus? (Mark 10:17–31) I’ll tell you, there are some really amazing things this side of heaven that can get in the way of fully running with Jesus. God's blessings toward us can quickly become idols we are unwilling to let go of in order to follow Him. My hope for us right now is that we truly surrender everything. That we truly lay it all down.

“For if you choose self-sacrifice and lose your lives for my glory, you will continually discover true life. But if you choose to keep your lives for yourselves, you will forfeit what you try to keep.” Matthew 16:25

Lord, give us your perspective. Lead us to pray against the very real evil all around us. Give us the confidence in You, Jesus, that Your name is more powerful than any darkness. That Holy Spirit brings the light to the darkest corners. Give us faith that our prayers actually do something. They change more than our hearts and our perspectives. They stop Satan in his tracks and prevent worse plans from unfolding. Holy Spirit bring healing to the hurting. Eradicate the fear over Your Bride right now in Jesus' name and show her Your unwavering love. God, when we receive Your perfect love; all fear is cast out! Let it be so! Let Your children bring hope to the hopeless in this hour. Wake up Your sleeping church and increase her joy! Increase her faith! Restore seven-fold what the enemy has stolen! We pray these things in Jesus’ holy and powerful name. Amen

~ Amanda Santistevan

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