"For the days of Baals to which she burned incense. She decked herself with her earrings and jewelry, and went after her lovers; but Me she forgot," says the Lord." Hosea 2:13
I'm doing a study through the book of Hosea and while reading chapter 2 I'm just stuck on these words.
But Me she forgot.
In those words alone I see so much heartache. The fact that we could replace God - our One true Love - with idols, and busyness, and vain glory hits me hard.
Because there are days when I get so caught up in living this life that I forget WHY I'm living this life.
I didn't cite the entire portion of the verse. It starts out with "I will punish her..." Yikes.
My friend, God has every right to unleash His wrath on us. BUT His everlasting love didn't begin at time of conversion, or when you led someone to the Lord, or when you did something of good repute.
Because God IS love, His love for you never began - it always was.
He has an everlasting love for you. He's not waiting for you to finish loading (like - you have reached 50% in your Christian walk therefore I will give you 50% of my love) to release His full love on you - He already has.
A few notes from a study on Hosea I am doing:
"God is love. It's His very nature. His essence. If God is cut, He bleeds love. Because God loves you, you are lovely. You are not the BEtolerated. You are the BEloved. Because God is love YOU ARE LOVED. Because God is worthy YOU HAVE WORTH.
You are not your struggles. You are not your past. You are not you addictions. You don't have to be perfect - God is perfecting you. You are not His duty - you are His delight."
Walk in that truth knowing that you are the beloved. And instead of being like Gomer where she went in search of other lovers, God is right there waiting for your affection and attention.
Place God on the throne of Your life and remember His faithfulness to you.
~ Kissy Black