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Updated: Jun 18, 2018

“For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1 ESV

Freedom // Have you had days where you know God has revealed how He sees you? It’s amazing! You know you are loved by the Heavenly Father (1 John 5) you want to sing praises and you feel whole. Then there is a moment when something triggers from your past, your regret, your shame, and we go back to that bondage Christ has already freed us from. We feel stuck. We can’t get out and, we wonder, “God, I thought I had victory over this.” We begin to believe the lies of the enemy and take hold of the “yoke of slavery” and attach it to how we think God sees us. No! When Jesus took on the sins of the world, He took EVERYTHING FOR YOU.

He took on everything we see ourselves as. (Hebrews 12:1-2)

Sin covered our true identity of how God sees us and Jesus was the one who paid it all so we can be set F R E E.

This is who God has created us to be. He has made us - who have sinned - as someone who is now righteous in His sight. He has set us free from the bondage of our sin and from ourselves. We have a real enemy who wants to kill and destroy. He tries to feed us lies and draw us back to what Christ has paid for when He took it upon the Cross.

Don't give into the lies of our enemy. Don't give into the lies you feed yourself. You are FREE. You are REDEEMED. You are RIGHTEOUS because of JESUS. When you know, and I mean know, The One who has created you, there is so much security and safety, and FREEDOM, because Jesus is the one who dwells in you. We are free because of what Jesus Christ has done for you and me. He takes who we were and makes us WORTHY.

Worthless to Worthy. Bondage to freedom.

“One mans death brought me freedom.

One mans death showed me the greatest act of love.

One mans willingness to take my guilt taught me i was created for something more.

One mans surrender brings hope & salvation to all who are wandered and lost.

This one man is Jesus.

You may have heard about the death of Jesus.

One mans death gave me new life.

One mans death gave me freedom.

One mans death displayed the greatest act of love for mankind.

One mans death led to surrender everything so we could have everything.”

- Sarah Sendejas

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1 Comment

Lynda Varada
Lynda Varada
Jun 18, 2018

Beautiful. Love this!

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