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Updated: Aug 11, 2023

"...let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for HE Who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23

Learning to trust in the promises of God... the midst of circumstances/situations... to what we've just endured through...

...sometimes seems "anything but promising"!

God often gives us a promise to instill a great hope (or expectancy) and it's a word that gives us HOPE - when all other things look hopeless.

His Word stirs within us a magnificent expectancy and anticipation - and we just can't wait!

But - that's where the end-all...begins!

WAITING...waiting for it to come to pass; to realize the fulfillment of the truth of that promise we hope for.

We WAIT - wait and keep on waiting (as we remember others in the Bible who also had to wait...Abraham and Sarah, Noah, Joseph, the Beggar at Bethesda) for the reality of that promise we've heard that's for us!

In observation in my own life, I've come to find that - the older I get - the "waiting game" (or process) takes longer and longer and is harder and harder to keep holding on to God's Word.

But - His Word never changed...and nor has HE changed!

We see the Creator of the heavens and the earth; the One who's found and fashioned each of us; the One Who "speaks it"...and it is; HE Who instantaneously brings results in miraculous ways and causes wait.

To wait on HIS timing...

Trust in HIS timing...

And believe to receive HIS promise(s) has never been easy.

But, we are called to wait (as Heb. 10:23 says.)

And...even in your own life - do you faint, give up, grow weary or lose heart of never seeing the "assurance of things hoped for" yet not seen?!

The Pandemic of 2020 made all of us "go into a waiting period" of sorts.

Life abruptly reversed course. Listening to health officials, the medical fields' "who's who", and the experts. Listening to government authority (universally, nationally, statewide, AND locally) and to the media to wait.

"Wait and see" was the 2020 mantra we were asked to live by. But that very same thing we needed to do most in our spiritual walks - we may have done the least!

It's 2021 now. Are we still in that mode of "wait and see"?

Or, are we truly now waiting more upon the many promises from God's Word?

Has JEHOVAH JIREH - He Who Provides - given you a promise of blessing that you're holding tightly and assuredly to?

Do you have that assurance and confidence of "I know that I know that I know"?

The reality of fulfillment might well be right on the cusp, yet we become weary and weak!

When we look out and see that the promise God has given to us doesn't even come close to (or resemble) the certainty of our expectation - we question God.

"Did God forget me? I've waited and waited for His promise to unfold - and I don't see it? Why must I wait and keep waiting?"

Do you find that the promise spoken to you seems too "far-fetched" of ever taking place? Is this just another "drought-filled" expectation taking place where "I won't even see the overflow of living waters upon me and my path?"

"C'mon Lord, are You just having fun 'playing me and my emotions'? What's waiting got to do with it any more?"

T-R-U-S-T...that's the key!

Will you trust HIM? Taking Him at His Word and trusting HIM fully to see it come to fruition?

OR...will you give up/give in and bring our Lord to the place of now waiting upon us to finally get it!?

A pure, simple childlike faith to believe, receive, and see that promise come to pass is all we need to do.

End the struggle that we needlessly take on. When our faith strays from the obedience to believe God's Word.

Our Father's preparing us for an Eternal work and purpose.

Earth is our training/testing ground, our "building" ground...and...our battleground!

He's working a perfect work within each one of us!

Yes, it may be tough - BUT it's worth the wait!

Trust HIM! Let HIM build your strength - to realize it's ALL HIM!

Little by little, HE continues to develop deep within the ability to now keep trusting HIM more!

OR have we tried to give God a "mini vacation" and fulfill His promises on our own?!

Look, we don't like to wait - especially when we know the promise is intended to bless us!

Have the very trials you're currently enduring causing you to mature and grow stronger? By building a greater depth within you, and giving you more faith and godliness? If not, they should!

Partner with our Lord today to help learn the "waiting game"...and what's in it for you!

Soon after, when you see the promise-fulfillment beginning to once again be that reality you knew it was always meant to be - you too can say, "Is anything impossible for God?"

"I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, I wait for the Lord! I waited patiently for the Lord and HE inclined to me and heard my cry." Psalm 40:1

Believer...wait patiently on the Lord!

~ Pastor Charlie Black

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