Why do we get so down on life when life is so good?
Maybe it’s just me, but here’s what I’m talking about: I am so stressed out on life right now, and yet I am so genuinely blessed. Multiple desperate prayer requests have been answered and for the next several weeks I get to spend my time doing exactly what I want to be doing. Still, I feel like I’m drowning in a sea of problems. Why? Because my problems are where my focus is.
We need to shift our eyes back to Jesus.
Let’s think about Peter when Jesus told him to take a jaunt across the stormy sea to come and be with him. Peter was literally able to walk on water(!) when he kept his eyes on Jesus and trusted that what Jesus told him to do was possible. When did Peter sink? When he looked at the problematic waves around him.
It is so tempting to believe that the waves are more powerful than the God who created them, but we must choose to look at Jesus and trust his authority.
Nevertheless, some problems need to be addressed. Other problems need to be ignored! All our problems need to be prayed about.
To help make sense of our problems, we must look at them in light of who God says he is and who God says we are.
In Zechariah 9:1 God says that he “has an eye on mankind." He sees us! All of us! In Matthew 10 Jesus says that we need not fear for provision because God provides for us, just as he does the sparrows. He also says we're worth more than sparrows. If so, then how much more would he provide for us? And of course, we must mention everyone's favorite mug verse, Romans 8:28. The Passion Translation says it so beautifully: "So we are convinced that every detail of our lives is continually woven together to fit into God's perfect plan of bringing good into our lives, for we are his lovers who have been called to fulfill his designed purpose."
My friend, you and I need not worry about the chaos and confusion of life. Yes, problems exist and we must make decisions, but worry about them we need not do.
We need only to look to the Creator of the universe who spoke the seas into existence and personally loves and cares for us.
He may have called you out upon a stormy sea, but, as my latest anthem puts it,
"you'll be "walking on the water dancing on the waves."
- We The Kingdom "Dancing on the Waves"
Shaelah Perales