Sweet whispers of wisdom over fear is all I have been hearing the last few months.
'Fear not,' is in the Bible 365 times. A sweet reminder for each day that HE has us.
I used to panic-buy food nine years ago. This only happened for a little under a year but, let me tell you what, if ever anything went down, my kids and I would have been good for a year. Of course, weekly I would need to get milk, eggs, and fresh fruits.
I did this because I was always afraid that if for some reason I lost my job, I would at least still have food for my kids. I would get unemployment and that would cover my rent, car payment, insurance, basic necessities, gas and I did not need to worry about food because I had plenty. That was my life - always living in the "what if," always planning for the worst.
I was invited to my sweet friend's home for a women's bible study. We would all bring a dish and have a meal together, chat, and then get into the Word.
Jesus tells His followers not to be anxious about food, but to rely on God. As the birds, who are worth far less than people, are fully provided for. Illustration of Matthew 6:26: the believer looks at the birds in the sky, that do not reap nor gather into the barns, and trusts that the Father will provide.
For the next month, I was to rely on the Father, solely for those weekly necessities I mentioned above. One day I was sweating, I mean SWEATING over the milk ounces shrinking by the day. I was talking to God like, "OK, I know You see this milk level going down. I know You are going to show up but, I mean, can this happen soon?"
One of my friends had a Costco membership and had bought some milk that came in a 2-pack and randomly texted me, "I have an extra gallon of milk if you want or need it."
Instant tears came over me as I read the message. HE showed up. I knew He would. I was just panicking on the when. Another friend who was receiving WIC at the time came over to visit and have a play-date. She brought cereal, fresh fruit, and more milk. I was like, "Ok, God. I got it. I will trust YOU more."
When the pandemic hit March of 2020, all I saw around me was pure panic.
I was like, I have been tested years before for this moment. I know how much more precious we are than the birds. I never - and I mean never - once worried about food, toilet paper, paper towels, and Lysol wipes. I knew who I belonged to.
I knew that as HIS child, HE would provide.
We were blessed to receive a shipment to our door for paper towels, toilet paper, Lysol wipes monthly from a company my sister works for. There HE is showing up again like He always has.
I saw posts from people I went to high school with and former coworkers asking if anyone had any toilet paper or paper towels to spare and I started to make little care bags for those who needed it. We would drop off or they would swing by for pick-up.
As we kept what we needed and gave away to those who also were in need, I never worried about going without.
The Gospel of Matthew records Jesus' answer: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself" (Matthew 22:37-39)
Friend, I am here to tell you that you cannot operate in an ounce of wisdom if you are constantly living in a state of fear.
It is impossible.
Lean on that sweet daily reminder of "Fear not." The Father has got you.
When I feel any panic or fear coming on - and I do sometimes - I immediately renounce that spirit of fear, take a deep breath, and partner with HIS Perfect peace and start singing out loud:
Holds me when I'm broken
Sweet peace
That passes understanding
When the whole wide world is crashing down
I fall to my knees
And breathe in
Your peace
The above is called Peace by Bethel Music & We The Kingdom.
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” - Isaiah 41:10
If you need prayer or someone to talk to, I am here and can be reached on Instagram @monikki08.
~ Monique Ventura Ferouge