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Do I serve a casual god?

One who doesn't have an interest or say in His people? One who doesn't feel strongly when His people stray?

Like a tamed lion behind the bars at a circus looking on with dull eyes; As beautiful as it is to behold, we still can walk away with somewhat of a "what's next?" type of attitude looking for the next bigger, better and greater thing.

Do we serve a casual god? Does He leave you breathless when you hear of His great works?

Do we have a full understanding of just whom we serve?

I find myself going throughout the day needing to accomplish MY LIST and MY AGENDA all the while not stopping to acknowledge that I am not on this earth to serve ME but to serve Jesus Christ.

I find myself worrying and anxious for tomorrow freaking out when I have no control of the future, completely disregarding that my future belongs to Christ. “Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they?” Matthew 6:26

I find myself trying to be the solution to my friends problems wanting to fix them when what I should be doing is pointing them to the ONE who is the answer to all their problems and no amount of addiction or infidelity or pain they go through can be solved without the Healer - Jesus Christ.

Just whom do I serve?

Is He is a tiny god who serves ME? One who isn’t omniscient? One who isn’t omnipresent? One who isn’t WITH US and instead is up in the clouds aging by the day and waiting for us to take care of ourselves?

Our God is FIERCE (Jer. 20:11). He is JEALOUS (Ex 34:14). He is UNRELENTING (1 Kings 8:23). He is NEVER CHANGING (Mal 3:6). His LOVE NEVER FADES (Jer 31:3) but burns bright for us. He is in CONSTANT PURSUIT of His children (Ez 34:11). He commands the sea and the wind to calm (Prov 8:29). He breathes life into our lungs (Gen 2:7). He heals the brokenhearted (Ps 147:3) and just at the sound of His name demons TREMBLE IN FEAR (James 2:19)!


He is passionate and so full of grace! He can unleash His power upon us in vengeance yet whispers His love in such a gentle and precious way.


What god do you serve?

Is He tame and quiet? Is He just casually sitting in your living room timidly asking you to hang out with Him? Does He change His mind when things don’t go His way?

Or does He command the room the minute He enters? Does He direct His penetrating gaze upon you and see everything within? Does His presence cause utter speechlessness and you can do nothing but bow down in adoration to be graced to be in the same room as Him?

Take time today and think on the God you serve. Or the god that serves you. And if you serve the ONE TRUE GOD let it sink in that He sent His Son to die a grueling death to cover your sin so that you could be with Him because He LOVES YOU. No hidden motives other than that you are His child.

I serve a mighty God. I serve a holy and righteous God. I serve the king of Kings!

And He is NOT a casual god.

-Kissy Black

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1 commentaire

Lynda Varada
Lynda Varada
03 févr. 2019

Brought to mind the interchange between Lucy and Mr. Tumnus at the close of The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe (the movie): "He is not a tame lion, but He is good."

Thank you Kissy, this is a beautiful article.

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