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Updated: Aug 12, 2023

With elections a week away, tensions are high.

Running simple errands have even become harder in this season. Not only have mask requirements made me feel a bit silenced, I literally have to raise my voice for another person to hear me correctly.

The challenge has not been easy, because the last thing I want is for my raised voice to not be heard with - and in - love.

Well, I don’t know about you, but I have been thinking a whole lot about what eternity looks like for me. As I pray for justice and many other necessary subjects for our nation, I can’t help but think that one day, I will stand before God and be judged. Justice will be served. I will be held accountable for everything I have ever said and done. Can you imagine that?

In these last few weeks, I have thought deeply about what I have done. What I have said. Repentance has truly taken on a new meaning in my life! And it’s not because I feel guilty about the past, even if it was something I did yesterday or 5 minutes ago, because; “Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.” Romans 8:1 ‭‭But it is because I WANT a forever transformation of my mind and heart! To become more Christ like! Everything I say and do, it has to be different from what it was. Because it matters in every single way, for eternity.

Our vote next week matters for eternity, too.

We have received a high honor, privilege and authority to take part in this segment of history. In which I like to say, “His-Story.”

I cannot help but think of other countries who do not have a choice to use their voices. It is so grieving! But I also cannot stop thinking about a great, powerful almighty God who created the heavens and earth! His kingdom is a kingdom for everything! I mean, can you imagine a King who doesn't prioritize government? We have to truly know and remember that God is a pure light strategy for every area of our society. How beautiful is that plan, right?

This new season is going to shift everything. We must align ourselves with Jesus. Seek Him first in all we do and say.

“But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭6:33‬

Distractions will not cease us. Whether it be in person, the media, social media…

Friends, we must not come off of our prayer walls.

If we don’t spend time staring at God, we will spend useless time staring at lesser things.

Regardless of the outcome next week, we must continue to keep our fire burning to continue shifting atmospheres. We must use our voices to share the truth of the gospel to set the captives free. And above all else, we must choose to love one another, even when it looks different. And especially, when it becomes hard.

“By this everyone will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another.””

‭‭John‬ ‭13:35‬

What once was, will not be.

The matters of eternity should be our only priority.

I highly encourage you to gaze upon the God who created you. The God who knows everything about you. Surrender it all to Him, and allow Him to transform you. Allow Him to align your heart with the only Kingdom that matters. The Kingdom of eternity.

You have nothing to lose.

Because he votes for you every single day.

~ Stefanie Rodriguez

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